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Bush or Kerry?

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Old 08-05-2004, 11:02 PM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

they love donkeys and sheeps too.
Old 08-05-2004, 11:50 PM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

They sure do. They treat them much better than their sisters, daughters, and wives.
Old 08-12-2004, 09:47 PM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

Old 08-13-2004, 12:25 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

reguardless, things will always work themselves out, for the better or worse.

as far as the claims made of muslim indecency to other people in arabia or otherwise, it is no surprise. it happens everywhere and that is life. perhaps nobody remembers the japanesese's inhumane treatment of Chinese during the 2nd world war. surrender of Chinese troops earned them death as punishment for their shameful surrender.

as far as the bush/kerry election and the talk about how shameful it is to have to chose between the lesser of the 2 evils, i have to say this: if there was a clear choice to be made, we would not be having conversations such as these. whatever limitations do or do not exist, they have nevertheless given us the options presented to us today, and this is the reality of a democracy.

it's not the best it can be and it's certainly not the worst, but it is what it is until we decide otherwise.
Old 08-15-2004, 03:11 PM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

I cannot disagree more with appeasers like you. Real Americans that have not been whipped into a limp noodle by liberal socialists and want to defend their lives and country will not turn the other cheek while Muslim indecencies to non-Muslims happens on our soil, either directly (as on 9/11/01) or indirectly (as being harbored or monetarily supported by other governments or organizations). Criminny! Muslim terrorism is not the way life must be. Therefore, we are and will continue to adjust Muslim attitude.

The Japanese, Chinese, or WWII have nothing to do with this. Neither do jelly doughnuts, radials tires, nor shooting stars.

On your other point, nobody chose to have two lousy choices ... or even one. Puh-lease!What a ridiculous notion. Explain why you think we could not discuss the differences between two good candidates just as we are discussing the differences between two lousy ones. You make no sense. Cream rises to the top nearly everywhere but in politics.
Old 08-20-2004, 11:45 PM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?


Real Americans that have not been whipped into a limp noodle by liberal socialists and want to defend their lives and country will not turn the other cheek while Muslim indecencies to non-Muslims happens on our soil, either directly (as on 9/11/01) or indirectly (as being harbored or monetarily supported by other governments or organizations). Criminny! Muslim terrorism is not the way life must be. Therefore, we are and will continue to adjust Muslim attitude.

Explain why you think we could not discuss the differences between two good candidates just as we are discussing the differences between two lousy ones.
Therefore, we are and will continue to adjust Muslim attitude.
What do you consider a real American? Are you saying a real American is one who has been granted US citizenship, or are you saying that a real American is one who is looking out for the best interest of Americans? Muslim indecencies towards non-muslims? Are you attempting to insinuate that of all those killed or injured in the Sep 11 tradgedy that none were Muslims? Need I remind you that the hijakers themselves were Muslims. Death is death, wheather by maurder, accident, or murder.

Why could we not be discussing the difference between 2 good candidates just as we are 2 bad candidates? It is first off a matter of opinion. Apparently, the both of us both consider our current choice of 2 candidates to be of the negative inclination. We could be discussing 2 good candidates, but that is not the situation is it? Let me clear up something i said earlier. I didn't mean to say this is the way it is in a democracy. I mean to say that this is the way it is in a "Capitalist" democracy. In a capitalist form of government, the only way to get ahead in the world is by ammassing greater yields of money (thus the capitalist "incentive"). as long as we live in a capitalist country, stature and position in this country will be obtained by holdings of wealth. (Understand now?) So, how would a poor man or someone like you or me, who really would be looking out for the best interests of the American people, ever be able to run for office and win? Thus, depending on how narrow your mind may or may not be, you should see what I am trying to say, which you bodly hinted in your last post that you were not able to do so. Hope this helps.
Old 08-20-2004, 11:57 PM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

I almost forgot. You stated that we will continue to adjust Muslim attitude. Do you mean to adjust Muslim attidute domestically or internationally. In case you are a bit foggy on your constitutional rights, all Americans are entitiled to the freedom of religeon. The American way of life for immigrants is to assimilate into American way of life. No matter how hard they fight it, they will eventually assimilate to some degreee. What right do Americans have to force Muslim attitude one way or the other? You fail to realize that human beings don't just do things to do things. Unless they are buddah, most people do things for a reason. So far as the Sep 11 attacks, caused by Muslims calling themselves "terrorists", do you really think they did it just because they get a kick out of death? Of course not. The whole reason the pilots were "suicide terrorists" was to furthermore emphasize that these people really were dying for a cause. While it is not up to me to decide wheather their cause was valid or not, it is a cause none the less. And when someone is willing to give their own life for a cause, you better at least find out what that cause is, and investigate it with an open mind, or else your and my way of life could come to an end, (for failure to listen.) I really didn't want to write this much, but you asked a question about what I said, and even though you are an *******, i feel it is my responsibility to at least give you the choice to to see a different perspective than your own, even though you are probably too narrow minded to consider it.
Old 08-21-2004, 01:06 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

Your heart bleeds liberally. But don't worry. Others can see through the fog that blinds you. You'll be protected in spite of your efforts to empathize with the enemy's causes. Hopefully, you won't get your *** blown off while your arms are outstretched anticipating a loving embrace from them.
Old 08-21-2004, 07:09 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

there's no valid reason for dying, much more taking some few more good people with you.

the first main reason why we are in this forum is because we love people, and we want to help each other. the opinion might differ, and all are free to express it as an idea.
Old 08-26-2004, 04:04 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

How about neither -

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