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Bush or Kerry?

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Old 07-18-2004, 05:27 AM
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Indonesia
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

i'm sorry if all of u americans angry with my opinion, [:@]

i'm asking you, what the diffrent with saddam and your president now (mr. bush)....
Old 07-18-2004, 06:26 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

There are many differences. Here's just one.

Saddam killed his family members, friends, political rivals, and whoever else stood in his way. He did this so he could rob Iraq and its people of billions of dollars for his own personal gain.

Bush kills his enemies to protect his family members, friends, political rivals, and whoever else wants to live in peace. He gets paid $400,000 per year to do this for four years, maybe eight.

Being from Indonesia you're probably Muslim. If you're a fundamentalist Muslim then you're retarded and I forgive you for thinking like a pig.
Old 07-18-2004, 10:03 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

leoginting, have you ever been in iraq or kuwait when saddam do the killings? well, i was there. barely 60 kilometers where i work in Jubail, Saudi Arabia.
what i see and have experienced is something that only people who got two horns and a pointed tail can do. i cry for those victims.
because of fear, i lose my job.
all Saudi muslims i know are nice and peace loving people. i can sleep in the road and wake up the next morning all in one piece... and they will even guard me.
the rest of you enjoys the guns, and [sm=smiley35.gif]
Old 07-25-2004, 02:51 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

Yes, i'm muslim, islam love piece, fundamentalis or not. still love piece, people who is killing each other is no human, may be pig like u said to me. i'm not pro to saddam, i agree with all of u, i just want to know, when your president declear a war to irak, bombing that country, can't all of u imagine what happen with iraq people, they also human, not pig. your bomb cant see human or pig. that's why i'm asking the diffrent saddam and your president, they are same. Don't be mad of me, this is the fact, may be this forum can open your eyes, ISLAM is rahmattan lil allamin, try to make peace in the world, not only cristian, buddha, .... Thank u,.....
Old 07-25-2004, 04:15 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

ORIGINAL: leoginting

if indonesian can vote, w'll vote saddam
really? yo
if indonesian can vote, w'll vote saddam
u seem to change your word too quickly.

muslims just like you love peace???

who rape the chinese in indonesia?

who bomb bali?

who destroy world trade center?

who is beheading people in middle east?

you need to study more leoginting. you are not deaf and blind. this not all about religion and race. it's about LIFE, PEACE, and freedom.

you are not a bad person, i fully agree with that. it's just the belief that makes you...

we all just hope that everything will be fine in the future. insh'allah
Old 07-25-2004, 08:30 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

You're welcome.

Islam blinds its believers from their surroundings. Muslims, especially fundamentalists, are incapable of civilized reasoning. They think like animals. Like pigs. They have been brainwashed into a state of extreme paranoia starting when they are very young. They feel threatened by all non-Muslims.

They don't want peace. Muslims do not know the meaning of peace. They do not practice it. They believe their religion directs them to kill and maim innocent people. If they can't find an American, European, christian, or Jew to kill, then they kill each other. That's what they do. They kill people. Any people. They are too mentally retarded to differentiate between right and wrong.

Tell me. What do you think Saddam would do if he came to America with his armies to take America away from President Bush, and won?

Would he be a human and repair the damage he did during the attack at great expense to his country?

Would he help the liberated Americans form a new autonomous government?

Would he turn over control of America to the citizens?

Would he walk away with empty pockets and not take anything for his personal bank account?

Can you see the difference yet, or do you still have your blinders on?
Old 07-26-2004, 08:52 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

No, George W. Bush NEVER declared war on Iraq, and he never will.
The President of the United States of America CAN NOT declare war. Only Congress can.

See the difference now?
When Saddam Hussein was president, he could do anything he wanted without anyone's approval.
But as for Mr. Bush here in the U.S., he can send troops, but he has a 60-day time period for him to explain the action to the Congress, Then its up to the Congress to decide.
Old 07-26-2004, 09:39 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

GW Bush is a good father who tried to protect his family.

i like him, it's terrorism that drives him to do a safe way for future.

as for kerry, he is now busy collecting donations through internet.
Old 07-28-2004, 11:40 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

I also like Bush he is a God fearing God loving president with faith and conviction. Lots of bad things are said of him but no proof are seen or shown by the accusers. Could he be the choice of the silent majority
Old 08-01-2004, 05:39 AM
Join Date: Nov 2003
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

Thank u sir, i thing all religion teach to make peace, loving each other in the world. In Al'Quran, not even one ayat said to kill human being (christian, jew, or muslim). People who kill each other is Devil. I hope in this forum we can speak and open our mind, all of us. If we belive each other, nothing can make us apart, hat or killing each other. In the future, lets make living in this world like heaven, we and our child can live peacefull, loving and can breath normally, in every place in the world, not only in Europe, America, Australia.... Do you all agree.

Who rape the chinese, PIG.

And sir, no chinese in Indonesia, they all Indonesian, all of us is same, INDONESIAN.
Thank u... friend...

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