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Bush or Kerry?

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Old 05-27-2004, 07:10 AM
Join Date: Dec 2003
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

...playing a little semantics here regarding a "barrier," no? The only purpose a third party candidate can play in today's presidential politics is to "steal" votes from a Republican or Democratic candidate (whichever one they are more like) and in effect give those votes to the opponent.

They can't even play a martyrdom role for a larger cause of liberalism or conservatism. They lose two-fold. Look at uber-lib Nader killing the Democrats every time he runs. If it weren't for Nader, Al Bore would have been the undisputed winner over GW and would be our president today. On second thought, thank you very much, Ralph.

That sounds like a barrier to the oval office to me. Sure, Perot played a part in the process and no one physically prevented him from stumping but everyone knew he wasn't going to win. Everybody but people with bigs ears who walk around carrying charts, that is.

The scariest part of this year's election is that Kerry will probably win. Afterall, he has the endorsement of all those "foreign leaders" and he sports those multi-thousand-dollar haircuts and he's so flexible on issues that he can change his position by the moment or not have one at all and he is soooo in touch with the average working Joe. How could he lose in America? There will be a record turnout of voting Democrats this year. They will be voting against GWB, not for JFK. We're in a toilet bowl right now fighting to claw our way out, but we're going to be flushed if Kerry wins.
Old 07-03-2004, 06:05 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

Bush, Kerry just wants our money, for welfare and junk like that, nothing against people on welfare but get a job and support the american economy.
Old 07-03-2004, 09:18 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

I don't like the fact that at one time people could make a career out of being on welfare in America, especially without working for it (There are always public infrastructure in need of some sort of attention). But that hasn't been the case for quite some time now and I haven't heard this dusty argument for a loooong time. I think there's a two-year limit or something then hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go. Ex-welfare recipients sell drugs, roses, or beg for change at stop lights nowadays.

That's not to say Bush, Kerry, and any other candidates don't want your money so the government can spend it on their legacies, uh, I mean ideas for improving the quality of life here in America. Bush has so far built the largest US governemnt ever. It's uncharacteristic of a Republican. The scary part is that Kerry wants even more of your money and a larger government. The maddening part is that Kerry wants it for mainly social programs both internally and externally. There's no telling what butt-smooching he'd do in terms of economic benefits to get the French, Germans, and the UN to all slobber on his lapel. All at the expense of America in the name of some new world order. Kerry is scary.

On the other hand, it takes two to tango. Congress is the real culprit when you discover your wallet thinning out. When every congressman gets their two-cents worth in, even tax cut bills are stretched beyond reasonable limits. The economic recovery Reagan planned would have happened much sooner and smoother if it weren't sabotaged by spend-till-you-drop congressman suddenly jumping on the bandwagon and tacking on tax cuts of their own--for their own political gain du joir, of course.

There is an economic disaster looming in America. One that will shock our economy to pieces. Wait until the ten year tax cut plan expires. We're all gonna die. If Kerry is elected, it will happen sooner as he whittles away at the tax cuts before they expire.
Old 07-04-2004, 05:41 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

if indonesian can vote, w'll vote saddam
Old 07-04-2004, 06:18 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

Saddam will be executed as soon as he gets his fair trial. What will his corpse be campaigning for, anyway? Do you have any idea what his positions are, or are you just another stupid human stain?
Old 07-04-2004, 02:25 PM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

Leoginting, sometimes when trying to be funny, one can make a very stupid remark. I trust that is the case with you.
Old 07-05-2004, 01:27 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

ORIGINAL: leoginting

if indonesian can vote, w'll vote saddam
Old 07-10-2004, 07:24 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

hehehe, who is that gomer pyle Lugnut? really looks similar.

i remember watching machales navy , henry pyffe or somethin' when i was young and i never miss any of their episodes. but that was 35 years ago! i can speak english and spanish at very young age, and i can understand the fun.
Old 07-10-2004, 08:49 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

Are you talking about the Gomer/Gomer pic I have in the photo gallery?

You watched McHale's Navy 35 years ago? I thought you were about 19 years old or something.
Old 07-10-2004, 11:11 AM
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Default RE: Bush or Kerry?

i am 43 now.

i've heard it from our radiola radio when apollo 11 landed on the moon

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