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Read an interesting article tonight

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Old 03-25-2006, 09:36 PM
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Default RE: Read an interesting article tonight

Those things never last. Heck, look at what happened to the welfare program. If that redistribution of wealth program can go away, any can. If Hitlary gets elected POTUS, we'll get some more, then when she's gone they'll slowly get chipped away. There aren't enough idiot actors in Hollywood to keep the lunacy alive. They'll all have their 15 minutes, then that'll be it.
Old 03-25-2006, 09:46 PM
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Default RE: Read an interesting article tonight

I hope you are right. The biggest new well fair system in use is the new Medicare part D program. Invented by the republican administration. We need playing cards to keep up with all the free programs gramma gets.
Old 03-26-2006, 02:46 AM
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I think it would've been better if I never would've notice the bs and other things this government does. Like here in Germany. I don't know about German politics, don't really care too much, and really don't want to know and I'm at peace. Then again, I'm at peace also beacue the chances of some crazed frantic paranoid "world gonna end" Americean *cough* *cough* I mean person running up on me is pretty slim. And the Germans tend to mind their own darn buisness. Unless you violate that quiet time law, then your neighbor may not like you too much. Do I miss the states? No. Are taxes high here? Yeah, but you really don't notice since it's included in the price. Is gas high? Yeah to the point that I wish I had some American gas, but then again, gas is less than a dollar a gallon in some places in South America. Overall, though America isn't bad, but it's nice to not really have to deal with a bunch pompous all high and mighty Americans 24/7. You may see a few every where even in the bar but that mess don't fly over here. I've seen too many of them get stomped, or worse stabbed or beat to the inch of thier life. I could've help some of them, in fact me and my friends could've turned the tides, but most of the time they deserve it. And Americans tend to forget that getting a gun over here is not as easy as it is in the states, so now they have to dust off them fists, or get ran over if they gonna play the big balled baddest thing on the planet American attitude.
Old 03-26-2006, 09:32 AM
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Grannies that need it deserve to be helped. We're one of the few societies in the world that would rather ignore our elders so they can die without bothering us... just because we can't bear to part with a few of our dollars. Personally, I don't mind spending some of my money in this way. Helping poor elderly folks buy some medicine so they don't have to eat dog food, and so they can live out their lives with a minimum of dignity isn't going to ruin this country or any of its citizens. I wasn't raised in a vacuum and I shouldn't die in one, especially if my only sin is that I'm having economic problems which may be out of my control.

Drug companies have created a world of their own where people who need medicines can't afford them. No matter your age, you need assistance, whether from the government or health insurance, to pay for medicines if you have a long-term illness. Conservatives say "So what." Leave the drug companies alone and let them do business. The problem for me is they do their "business" to Americans, not for Americans. They overcharge us because we let them. Same with the entire medical field. I'm not a proponent of socialized medicine, but there's a lot of room to make adjustments based on fairness and equity.

Able-bodied younger people of working age don't "deserve" the same kind of assistance. For the record, those are who I'm bad-mouthing. Leave the needy older folks out of this. As far as the details of a particular program, fine. If there's a problem, fix it or scrap it.
Old 03-26-2006, 09:42 AM
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Default RE: Read an interesting article tonight

Yeah, that's the unappreciative attitude of today's youth and young adults. Think of all the bad things you can about America and then turn your back. Don't get off your *** and do something about it. Hell no. America owes it to you. If whatever bothers you doesn't fix itself, try to hurt our feelings by claiming you'll abandon America. Hey. Stay there in Germany for all I care. You don't deserve to live here. America owes you nothing.
Old 03-26-2006, 11:28 AM
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And I don't owe america anything either. So I guess we are even. You can fix money problems, bad budgets, bad presidents even, or even sway the taxes a little, but you can't fix the people.
Old 03-26-2006, 11:35 AM
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And I'm not trying to hurt anyone feelings, but then again, why should I care? Isn't it the American way to only care about yourself? Isn't it the American way to be selfish? But if anyone feelings are hurt, I guess it's just collateral damage, but I call it like I see it. And one good thing about America is freedom of speech to a point. In the middle east, my head would've been chopped off. But here the worst that could happen is things being said like the things Lugnut just said. Being basically called UnAmerican. I guess if that it is Unamerican tojust be silent about the bs and walk around the world with a chip on my shoulder and killing everything in sight just for money, then so be it.
Old 03-26-2006, 12:25 PM
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Geez. Talk about being selfish. It's all about YOU isn't it? America can't make YOU happy. YOU. YOU. YOU. Sorry, but not everyone is like YOU.

Yep, YOU have it all figured out alright. America doesn't need more dead weight. Stay where YOU are. We'll all be happier.
Old 03-26-2006, 01:51 PM
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Basically it goes like this all countries have something that there citizens dont like. So just live in the country that has the least things u dont like.


Yeah, that's the unappreciative attitude of today's youth and young adults.
I take that personally Lug I do like this country and i do apprectiate it I am glad i can go out and buy a gun something i cant do in other countries but at the same time i dont like the gov't listening to my phone calls or being able to see what i have been searching for on yahoo or google.

As far as the comment that we feel America owes us well my generation grew up having it very easy and now we just expect it to stay that way that is not our fault it was just how we where raised. I have heard that my generation is the first one not expected to do as well in life as our parents generation.

I might not be to proud of what is currently going on but our foundation is strong and that is how i feel we get around these problems. I am happy with some of what the Bush admin has done but those are the little things that most people never think about. But most of the major things that have gone on because of them i am not happy with.

However you are right during the 2004 elections very few people i am friends with knew hardly anything about the postion of either presidential canidate let alone state or local. What is truely sad is that the people that did know are the ones that are not in college and will not be able to advance in life because they did not want to waste there time getting a piece of paper saying there smart. Basically i think that having a vote should be left to people who chose a candiadate based on facts and ideas not not well he "looks like he would do a good job" or "well he believes in god gotta vote for him."
Old 03-26-2006, 02:29 PM
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It isn't all about me. And if I had it perfectly figured out, I probably would've been able to fix some of the problems. And how can you call me dead weight? Your generation is the ones that are basically sitting around soaking up too much money while it could be going to something else like helping people in dire need. While your generation is buying new SL500s and Cadillac and busy playing golf off the government money, there are people starving. That's selfish, your generation. And I don't want everyone like me, and I won't be like everyone else. And if your'e happy with it, fine, but everyone is not like you either. Freedom of speech my buttocks. Everytime someone points out a problem in the American way, someone always have to say something like that. And they wonder why problems don't get fixed. It's a wonder why Bush's approval rating isn't higher. Why not? At least he isn't a dictator. So why not vote him in one more time and be 100% on his side doing whatever he say without question. Let em tap our phones and spy on us, or let him just blow up countries for no reason. Why not? he isn't the worst thing on this planet. Know what? Why not we all just sell our benzes and get a Focus, it's not the worst car in the world. Nothing is perfect, but it seems no one notice or have anything to say when some says the good things about America, when as soon as some one points out a problem or says something that is against "the grain" oh, comments come out the wood work. Calling me dead weight? HA. What ever you say. I guess you're saying slaves in America had it good too. At least they wasn't immediately killed on the spot huh. If everyone thought like you, America still would've been stuck in the 1800s.

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