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Old 03-13-2007, 05:52 PM
Sandra's Avatar
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Default Greetings!


I just joined this forum today, and I look forward to a mutually beneficial association with everyone. I still view,with amazement; the technology we have available to us today that gave us the Internet ... and in places like this forum, we can utilize the Internet in the way in which it was originally intended: to share information and knowledge.

I own a 1984 190D 2.2, and the manner in which I acquired it was interesting, and also is a great testimonial to what fine automobiles Mercedes Benz manufactures. Here's the acquisition tale:

My landlord was delegated the task to clean out his father's house after his father died; his parents had lived there for close to 40 years. He asked me if I would be interested in undertaking the project in lieu of paying rent for a few months - I agreed. When we were doing the walk-through the first day, I noticed an older Mercedes parked in the driveway. As we left the garage and walked by the Mercedes, he said, "I guess I'm going to have 'that thing' hauled off...." ("That thing?", I thought .... ) I said, "Don, does it run?" He answered, "I doubt it - it's been sitting there for five years ... it hasn't been started or moved in five years - it won't start - it's been too long." I said, "Well, why don't we try to start it - it'll save you the towing charge." He turned around and said to me, "Sandy - I'll tell you what ... if you can get that 'thing' (that word again!) started and get it off the property and out of my hair, you can have it!" "Wow; cool, Don - I'll try to take care of that tomorrow!" The very next day, after my day working at the house, I went out to the Mercedes; raised the hood and checked all the fluids - they looked good .... put the battery from my little Mazda in the Mercedes; and tried to start it. Do you know that diesel started right up! Vrrooom!! It didn't even hesitate - it started immediately on the first try! "Yippee!!" It took me $254 to bring the registration current, and I've been driving it ever since! I just saw my landlord a couple of days ago, and he asked me, "How's that Mercedes going?" "Great!" says I. He got that sick look on his face again that he gets every time he asks about it! Actually, he's extremely wealthy and could buy ten brand new ones, but he's a thrifty-thinking individual; and well .......... you know!

Anyway, my tale now takes a definite turn to the left, as I was involved in an accident last week - a larger-than-normal truck rear-ended me on the freeway because the driver apparently fell asleep at the wheel and his foot fell to the floor, which accelerated his speed to approximately 90 miles per hour; I'm told, All's I know is all of a sudden, there were brighter than bright lights in my rear view mirror, and I glanced up and for a split-second, saw the truck advancing on me like there's no tomorrow, and then bam! The Mercedes just shot forward (I'd been doing about 60mph) - it did not swerve one bit at all. My only injury was a minor whiplash. I've been driving for about thirty years, and it was my first and only accident ever - I've been told that usually in high-speed accidents that occur on the freeway, people either get killed or seriously injured, and that I don't know how fortunate I am to not have experienced either. The truck driver booked - it was a hit and run thing - so I'm screwed on getting my car fixed because I learned that I didn't have adequate insurance. But, the car still runs great - miraculously enough, no frame damage - just a bashed in trunk lid and the license plate panel underneath it, and the right rear quarter panel - the impact didn't harm the gas tank at all. Seems like I have a Guardian Angel working in my life, huh? You'll never convince me that it doesn't pay to be an integritous individual in life, because my rewards are tenfold!

Anyway, if anyone out there has an old 190 model sitting around they're not using that has a good trunk lid and quarter panel, I'd be grateful to get 'em!

Sincere Regards, Sandra
1984 190D 2.2
Old 03-13-2007, 08:02 PM
Charles Munn's Avatar
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Welcome! and what a smashing story! How many miles on it? For used 190D parts you might try contacting Kent Bergsma of . They have a 1 800 telephone# listed on their site. For maint. pics, check out
Best of Luck,
Old 03-13-2007, 08:57 PM
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Old 03-13-2007, 09:12 PM
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Sandra, welcome to the forum! That's very ironic that we've got the same year, engine and model car. It's also ironic that both of us were rear ended by trucks! [&:]I got rear ended a few months ago when a truck hydroplaned at about 30~ mph when I was going about 20mph. It dented the trunk lid a bit, cracked the lid handle and offset my bumper about a centimeter. I replaced the trunk handle with a 190e 2.6L one which is a littlelonger then the factory 2.2L handle.The jolt didn't hurt or anything, but it was suprising.

Just curious, how many miles are on your 190D? Also what state are you located in? I've got a junk yard about 10 minutes away from me with a 190D in it and the trunk lid & quarter panelshould be still attached. Post pics of your car if you can.
Old 03-13-2007, 10:06 PM
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AHHHH! The good ol' 84 190D 2.2. Mine was navy blue, tan leather interior, but your about 3 months to late. I recently took my 190 off life support. It's a GREAT vehcile. I'm curious though, how many miles on that puppy? I got over 300,000 mile out of mine, but I hope you don't make the same mistake I did by switching out the engine. Ever since I did that it was never the same again. I just couldn't deal with the truck sound. It was embarrassing to me, but I was young & stupid then. Now I'm old & stupid (lol, jk), but enjoy the car. Like everyone one else said, check some junk yards. You'll find what your looking for.
Old 03-13-2007, 10:22 PM
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WOW, great story, sorry about the insurance not paying for it. Hope you have as good as luck as you had in the in finding a replacement or if you can getting it fixed cheaply.
Old 03-13-2007, 11:14 PM
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Welcome aboard!
Old 03-14-2007, 01:05 AM
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Welcome to the forum! And i love the story. Anyone need a house cleaned out?!?
Old 03-14-2007, 05:26 PM
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any russians??
Old 03-15-2007, 07:11 PM
Sandra's Avatar
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Default RE: Greetings!

Thank you kindly, all of you ... what nice individuals my fellow members are! I feel most welcome here. It pleases me that so many of you actually read, and enjoyed, my lengthy tale.

I just went outside to check my odometer for the mileage, and it has precisely 228,228 miles on it - how odd on that number configuration! There's no doubt in my mind that I could double the mileage on that engine, and it would still be running strong. It's got great compression, and I actually love the sound of the diesel engine!

I'm located in Northern California; Campbell, to be specific (Campbell's just outside of San Jose; which is not too far south of San Francisco). I am determined to repair her; and I think my Guardian Angel is working overtime, because when I retrieved my mail from my post office box yesterday, in it was a notification to contact an organization who wants to give me about $2400 they hold from a profit sharing program from a former employer who just closed the program! The notice said, "You must receive this distribution of $2400.00 ...." Yeah, no problem! All's I have to do is call them and let them know where to send the check - amazing, huh?!

I just took some photographs of the car and will post them later; I've got to get off to do some work now, but I just wanted to extend my gratitude for everyone's well-wishes and welcome notes. Oh, and Charlie ... thanks for the URL for the dieselgiant website. Dieselgiant is a great human who I am familiar with - when I was troubleshooting my glow-plug system last year, I became acquainted with the Giant through another forum that he belongs to. At that time, he had not yet published a pictorial for the glow-plug system, but when I asked him a couple of questions about the system, he went ahead and installed a pictorial on it, and he did it in two days! His pictorials on maintenance and repair procedures for the Mercedes are marvelously detailed and easy to comprehend and follow - what a nice guy to make that information available to all of us - and it's free! To reiterate my thoughts on the usefulness of the Internet in our lives - that's what it's all about - sharing information and knowledge.

Well, thanks again for making me feel welcome here, everyone. I'll try and get those pictures uploaded later tonight or tomorrow.

Sincere Regards, Sandra
1984 190 2.2

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"They will never make a perfect heart until they make
one that can't be broken."

....... The Wizard, "The Wizard of Oz"
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