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Old 02-20-2006, 10:56 PM
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nothing much holds it. just those 10 mm screws.

make sure the things on engine side was all disconnected.

Old 02-20-2006, 10:57 PM
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Old 02-20-2006, 11:06 PM
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In pic #3 on the illustration, I dont have that bolt with the ARROW located in my engine...I unhooked all of three of the hoses...I unscrewed the bolts in pic #1 and #2...but whatever that is with the arrow, I dont have that...I have an aluminum part looks like it's connected to a tube of some sort, but there's no way to do anything with it. It doesnt have a screw or bolt or nut or anything on's going thru the firewall, but it isnt connected to anything that has to do with the climate control, I dont believe. I will have to take a pic and send it to you...
Old 02-20-2006, 11:13 PM
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Default RE: ...HELP....HEATER CORE REPLACEMENT!'s what I have...You can see the heater core hoses have been removed. the other thing to the left of it is something that is definately connected to the climate control unit, tho? I just shook the hose connections and THAT thing moved too! It's connected, but how do I get it off???

Old 02-21-2006, 12:38 AM
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that was the expansion valve.

makes sure the freon is drained before disconnecting it.

there is one allen bolt on the middle of those two pipes. unscrew it.
Old 02-21-2006, 01:37 AM
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...okay...wish I would've read your last post before I actually turned that screw. I could only turn it a little bit, then all of a sudden, "PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTTTT!" I'm talking about HIGH pressure! I thought I blew the damn car up! I jumped clear across the garage, dropped the 10mm wrench into the engine, nearly knocked my light out, then RAN back to the car trying to tighten it back as all of this mist was spraying all over the place!

...but after I figured it would eventually have to stop, I just put a towel over it and let it fizz out...took a while. I started thinking, "...that smelled like that RC-34A stuff from Walmart...", so I figured it was the A/C. Well, I took that bolt off and YANKED that console outta my dash. I unhooked the blower adapters and all of that before I did...just like your instructions said. Everything SEEMS to be fine...I actually got this part out...I THINK it's the heater core. I was sitting vertical. I'm gonna take a pic and send it to you in a second. I HOPE it's the heater core. There's actually TWO radiators/heater cores, but I only took out one. It was the one with the three hoses connected to it...the smaller of the two...

I dont know if I'll be able to put ALL of this stuff back think I'm up SH_T creek, actually, but I wanted to BEAT this car and I DID! I made it to the heater core!!! Now, I'm seriously in some deep doo car is in a million parts and pieces with baggies all over the place with screws and bolts in them. I'm seriously going to have an anxiety attack one of these days messing with these cars...hahahaha...I need a brown bag for this one...

...let me get that pic and YOU tell me if it's the heater core...thanks!!!
Old 02-21-2006, 01:54 AM
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Default RE: ...HELP....HEATER CORE REPLACEMENT! are the pics. I also put some pics of how my car NOW looks! Horrible! the entire console/dash/HVAC is completely gone and sitting in my passenger floorboard and seat...that's as far as I'm moving further than that! I got everything where I can remember it, so I dont wanna do any more until I'm 100% sure that THIS is the cause of that serious leak...

Old 02-21-2006, 01:55 AM
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Default RE: ...HELP....HEATER CORE REPLACEMENT!'s the file of the HVAC in the front seat now...hahaha...

Old 02-21-2006, 02:03 AM
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here's a pic of the leak...I think...

Old 02-21-2006, 02:07 AM
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Default RE: ...HELP....HEATER CORE REPLACEMENT!'s a better pic of the leak...I swear, if this isn't the leak, then I'll be ticked off! Does this look like an antifreeze leak to you? I think it does...but I'm not a mechanic. All I know is that maybe this part shouldn't be wet. It doesnt look like it could've came from the other larger radiator in front of it...I can't get that one out. It was connected to the A/C system...the pressurized part was connected to it, so I'm ASSUMING that was the A/C part of this unit...

I work on streetbikes and do a little fabricating on the side, so I kinda got a lot of tools...but I DONT work on these cars! You have really done a good job teaching me thru the computer, tho! Might consider going into consulting for yourself...I'd definately sign up to your site and become a member! You've got some good knowledge, Mr....



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