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mbz300sdl 01-27-2006 04:26 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
I do not think you are but don't assume that young people are weak mined.

Lugnut 01-27-2006 04:32 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Please re-read. I didn't say that.

BlackWolf 01-27-2006 04:33 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
I never said that I wanted to fight you, ya cave man. I said that I doubt that you would say that in person and made a comment that people tend to talk mess on the web. Also I said, if you gets to feeling froggy, I'm all for it, if you wanted to take it there and unlike most people I will show if you wanted to take it there. Stop twisting my words old man. Always assuming. ANd me I don't find humore hateful speach or overgeneralization of a group of people or downing other people religion. I'm not weak minded only the weak and fearful would say the things that you said about muslim. You seem to fear things you don't understand. The reason US SOLDIERS are being blown up today is because people like YOU. It's people like you that show and try to spead hate against Muslims that make some of them act the way they do. You indirectly support them by making comments like you do. Like I said racism is not humor. Open your eyes and see the truth before you speak. Stop acting like such an expert on something you don't understand. You and people that make comments like you do is what making this whole war so much harder than it has to be. I don't cry for or over ignorant people or the stupid comments they make whether or not they meant in their sick humorly way. I don't find it funny so don't bring that mess my way.

mbz300sdl 01-27-2006 04:40 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
I didnt think you did but i wanted to make sure cause I have encountered people that feel age gives them power which is not the case in many situations.

Lugnut 01-27-2006 04:41 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.

I never said that I wanted to fight you...

... you'll see me act a fool on you.
What does that mean? You're going to get on top of me and act like a fool?

You're beginning to babble now. I'm really getting to you, eh?

I don't cry...
Why do you keep saying you're going to go get an admin. Isn't it to cry to them about being picked on?

Don't deny it. I'm tired of reminding you what you said. You apparently have a short-term memory problem. Likely it's the drugs you take.

Lugnut 01-27-2006 04:48 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
I have friends of all ages that I respect enormously. You have to understand, though, that the mere act of paying attention for more years usually translates into more knowledge and understanding. Everybody on this planet, no matter where they're from or who they are, gets wiser with age. Anyone who denies it is merely a fool who will be wiser with time.

mbz300sdl 01-27-2006 05:04 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Like you say though those people must actually pay attention and i through my experiences anyway the ones that have obviously not paid attention are the ones that give younger people than them a lack of respect. The only reason i am even going on about this is something that happened in my college world literature course yesterday. The only reason I did not just start a debated in the middle of the class was that it had little relevance to the grand scheme of the discussion even though the proffessor took a "jab" at my knowledge of history which was obvious to most of the class he did not understand. I guess that is why he is an Literature proffessor and not a history proffessor.

BlackWolf 01-27-2006 05:17 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.


When did I say I didn't have time? But even if I did, so what.

So I'm be short, quick, and plain simple that even a caveman can understand.

You keeping messing with me and continue to bring your racist hateful comments to me, I will get an Admin involved. No go on about your buisness. Just keep your racist ways from me. And by the way, I'm not Muslim. The facts right, buddy. Also, I'm not angry mad, upset because you're probably thousand of miles away and that may be a good thing for you. But I visit GA alot so if you're always feeling froggy and big and bad and like talking mess, I'll let you know when I'm down there and we'll see how far you're racist remarks can get and you'll see me act a fool on you. But for right now kee p your racist remarks away from me and stop bothering me. And don't even put my name or direct any of those stupid remarks at me. If you wouldn't say it to my face don't say it over the net to me.
Read the whole thing. There the main point is colored for you. And I am going to the Admin and whoever else I have to and showing him and or her the racist remarks you've been making.
Act a fool means, for your information is southern slang for kicking your ass. Also have numerous other meanings but that meaning is what I was implying since you're too old to understand today's slang. And you are really showing your great wisdom by making stupid generalization of Muslims. It's not my fault you can't understand anything that's not racist or a generalization of Muslims. I don't feel picked on by the way because it don't matter to me but you insist on throwing that bull crap up. I told you to stop talking to me, go on about your buisness, don't bring no racist stuff to me. I told you that you can't make me angry because you're thousand of miles away but as I said if we was face to face you would not say those type of things or we would see how far it would've gotten you. So why not just drop it because you are going to continue thinking about Muslim the way you do and that's your buisness but don't make it my buisness by bringing that mess my way.

Lugnut 01-27-2006 05:44 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
A college professor is a unique animal who needs absolute control of his classroom. You can't teach them something in their classroom. It wasn't a matter of whom was right or wrong about the subject. You were wrong to challenge him in his mind. You did the right thing by not trying to deflate his big head.

It would be like BlackWolf trying to teach something to an officer who didn't want to be taught what he was trying to teach him. BlackWolf would be dumb enough to keep trying, but you wouldn't.

Lugnut 01-27-2006 05:52 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.

... you'll see me act a fool on you.

I never said that I wanted to fight you...

Act a fool means, for your information is southern slang for kicking your ass. Also have numerous other meanings but that meaning is what I was implying...
Do you even know what the Hell you're saying? Are you on drugs right now? Man, you're losing it.

And, you're getting monotonous. You're just repeating your dumb ass self. Isn't it your nappy time? Go take one.

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