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Lugnut 01-27-2006 02:22 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Hey, I'm not using that crayon after you did.

BlackWolf 01-27-2006 02:26 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.


You have my number, Drew.

Muslims and their suporters believe they deserve a monopoly on hate. They believe only they have the right to commit violent acts against non-Muslims (and Muslims alike), to practice racism and ethnic cleansing. It's okay if a Muslim does it. Their goal is to conquer the world and to kill all non-believers. But they express extreme outrage when a non-Muslim acts like a Muslim. They express no outrage, however, when Muslims commit the horrific acts they are becoming so infamous for commiting.

How would they like it if America acted the same? How about if we had a policy of chopping off the hands of any Muslim who rose up in arms against us? How about if we beheaded all the Muslim POWs and distributed video tapes of these beheadings over the Internet? How about if we targeted innocent women and children and shot them or blew them up?

Muslims are not only cowards, they are hypocrites.

There go another one of those comments. ALL MUSLIM ARE NOT LIKE THAT. And some non-muslims are racist and violent just as decribed. This is what I'm talking about. I express outrage when they do that. Everyday, everytime it happens, but I don't over genralize and say that ALL Muslims are like that.

BlackWolf 01-27-2006 02:28 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
And I don't need that crayon. I'm not some lonely old man that has nothing better to do than be hateful against Muslims. Stop talking to me.

mbz300sdl 01-27-2006 02:37 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.


I bet they broke three keyboards during the course of posting to this thread. A little less swearing would help make these conversations sound more credible.

Sure it was just three keyboards?

Lugnut 01-27-2006 02:46 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
I agree that not all Muslims commit violent acts. But you don't have to literally commit the act to be a part of it. Support of the act, whether overt or covert, is equally as bad in American law. How many Muslim leaders have you heard denounce the Muslim violence not only in the Middle East, but all over the world. Whenever innocent men, women, and children in Israel are blown up, why is there no outrage expressed by Muslim leaders or their followers? On the contrary, you hear Muslim leaders support these acts and the Arab street celebrating.

If you find time, respond to me.

BlackWolf 01-27-2006 02:54 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
You one sided. I heard plenty of MUslim leaders denounce that they don't support the violence. And there is outrage, but that is rarely seen on American television. Being in Europe for the moment, I've been able to see alot of news and speeches of the leaders that don't make it to the states. And not all Muslim support the violence either. Too bad this American Media only show part of the story.

BlackWolf 01-27-2006 02:56 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
But outrage or not, it's just plain wrong to put down and or over generalize a whole region or religion which you continue to do.

Lugnut 01-27-2006 03:08 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Can you count them on one hand? Two? Can you name one that consistently denouces these acts? I read foreign newspapers on the Net all the time. I never see what you're claiming. Are there more that support the violence or more that denounce it?

You hear all the looney leftists denounce all of America and demand a statement from the president whenever one soldier breaks a law--and he does. What did Muslim leaders do while American civilians were being beheaded?

And, BTW, I didn't say "none." See how trying being literal can be?

BlackWolf 01-27-2006 03:14 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
What are you talking about? I never said that you said none. Like I said before if you wanna be one sided be one sided, but don't talk to me. There's more than that and probably some that neither you or me even know about yet. You are bothering me. I don't really care about thise anymore because you keep missing the point. You keep trying to justify your hateful comments and I don't want to hear it. They are hateful and over generalizing. If that's how you are going to be, than be that way but stop bringing that mess my way. You keep it or go feed someone else with that nonsense.

Lugnut 01-27-2006 04:16 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
It was you who missed the the point. I was yanking your chain and you fell for it big time. I got you to the point of beating your chest and wanting to duke it out. You want to come down here and fight me. Crimminy, young fella. Only the weak-minded act like you. I kept pointing that out to you and you just kept digging yourself in deeper instead of rising to the occasion.

Don't start crying. I didn't mean it.

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