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BlackWolf 01-27-2006 07:41 AM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
You always half read everything! Can you only comprehend only one sentence per day or something?

"Showing or ARISING from a lack of education or knowledge." Such as your comments or the fact that you must insult people and say racist things to get a laugh. Which means that your comments comes from you being unaware or lacking knowledge about the Middle East and their religion! Now stop trying to twist what I say into a meaning that it's not and stop avoiding the fact that the things you say are racist and shows hate for a region and religion that you seriously lack knowledge of.

BlackWolf 01-27-2006 07:43 AM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
And I'm not weak minded now just shut the **** up talking to me your ignorant bastard and live yoy racist life and don't bring that mess around me. Obviously your supidity has you blind and I feel for you. I have nothing more to say to you and you have nothing more to say to me. So stay out my way.

BlackWolf 01-27-2006 07:46 AM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
You give Mercedes Owners a bad nane and not to mention gives a bad image to of visitors of this forum. At leats show a little respect for yourself. I'm done with you. Understand that and read it well. I'm done with you and don't bring that bigot stuff around me. That's just in case you didn't see it the first time.

Lugnut 01-27-2006 12:16 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Boy, three responses when you have no time to respond. What an idiot. Look that up. You're done with me? I bet you post again.

Yes, I can be ignorant, but my comments aren't. They're just comments, ignoramus.

BTW, what do you think of my impression of a Muslim? I like yours. Your rage is impressive and typical of Muslims around the world. Stick that in your multi-tasking little mind and slosh it around.

BlackWolf 01-27-2006 12:39 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
When did I say I didn't have time? But even if I did, so what.

So I'm be short, quick, and plain simple that even a caveman can understand.

You keeping messing with me and continue to bring your racist hateful comments to me, I will get an Admin involved. No go on about your buisness. Just keep your racist ways from me. And by the way, I'm not Muslim. The facts right, buddy. Also, I'm not angry mad, upset because you're probably thousand of miles away and that may be a good thing for you. But I visit GA alot so if you're always feeling froggy and big and bad and like talking mess, I'll let you know when I'm down there and we'll see how far you're racist remarks can get and you'll see me act a fool on you. But for right now kee p your racist remarks away from me and stop bothering me. And don't even put my name or direct any of those stupid remarks at me. If you wouldn't say it to my face don't say it over the net to me.

BikerDrew 01-27-2006 12:46 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
I bet they broke three keyboards during the course of posting to this thread. A little less swearing would help make these conversations sound more credible.

After careful examination I saw no overt racism, just opinions about bad behavior and easy jabs to get your goat (you do have a goat don't you? easy boy!). This argument reminds me of a sports fans arguing that the losing team was really better than the winning team. Useless.

To our younger fans, please support your points with facts that you can source, and withhold your emotions.
Semantics are not worth discussion unless you are in school. This ain't school.

BlackWolf 01-27-2006 12:51 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Maybe Drew do have a point and lets see how that point holds true if I was to talk about Americans the same way Lugnut talks about Muslim and the Middle East. I'll let it go, but stay out my way Lugnut.

Lugnut 01-27-2006 02:05 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.

Original: BlackWolf

Second of all this is getting childish and I have no time for it.
Not only did you say you had no time for this, I told you'd respond again. This proves you're weak-minded. I have you under control.

I know you're not a Muslim. Well, I assumed you weren't and it turns out I was right. I said you're acting like one because of your rage. You had trouble comprehending that, I suppose? I can draw it with a crayon if it will help.

BlackWolf 01-27-2006 02:14 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
So what if I said it. And you don't have me under control. I responded because I wanted to. And I told you to not to say anything to me. You keep on and I will get an Admin involved. I don't want nothing to do with you because you are ignorant and I can't change that but keep yourself, your stupid racist comments away from me. Don't talk to me. I don't make idle threats. And you can take that crayon and go screw yourself you Nazi loving fool.

Lugnut 01-27-2006 02:21 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
You have my number, Drew.

Muslims and their suporters believe they deserve a monopoly on hate. They believe only they have the right to commit violent acts against non-Muslims (and Muslims alike), to practice racism and ethnic cleansing. It's okay if a Muslim does it. Their goal is to conquer the world and to kill all non-believers. But they express extreme outrage when a non-Muslim acts like a Muslim. They express no outrage, however, when Muslims commit the horrific acts they are becoming so infamous for commiting.

How would they like it if America acted the same? How about if we had a policy of chopping off the hands of any Muslim who rose up in arms against us? How about if we beheaded all the Muslim POWs and distributed video tapes of these beheadings over the Internet? How about if we targeted innocent women and children and shot them or blew them up?

Muslims are not only cowards, they are hypocrites.

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