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BlackWolf 01-26-2006 12:10 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
What? Can't ya read? I didn't say anything about government. Overthrowing a government is only part of the war. The war is still on or tell me this then. What would you call what's going on over there? And by the way I probably know hundreds more people that has just gotten from over there, still over there or on their way over there than you do so I know what I'm talking about. I work with them folks and or see them everyday. I repeat just in case ya didn't catch it the first time. The Iraqi war as in Operation Iraqi Freedom took a lot more than a week. Anyways, I ain't here to argue. I'm here to say what I got to say and nothing more. Ya have your opinion and I have mine. That what makes American Freedom great.

Lugnut 01-26-2006 12:18 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Seemingly nothing, Drew. Seemingly. First, it fills the time for those of us, like blackbenz, who have "no life" and don't respond to these kinds of posts because they have a piece of paper that they claim proves they are smart.

It shows how easy it is to get people like him to show their anger, frustration at being one of life's losers, and imagined "bravado." Their slanted views of world events is underwhelming. Paranoid, actually.

It's been proven that it's in their genes (okay, upbringing) to start a confrontation and then hide when confronted and then prey on those who can't defend themselves in order to get revenge. This is their pattern over and over again. They only know and understand violence. Sort of like a caveman, certainly medieval. It's my hobby to expose these lowly fools.

And, I fart in your general direction (Monty Python, remember?).

mbz300sdl 01-26-2006 12:20 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
I know this is the off-topic forum but com'on guys we are dividing the people in this site onto sides most people come here to get help about there cars. And if people seem to be angry at each other they may decided to tell someone to do something that might be very costly or ruin there cars remember. I know i have been agitating this some also but i have stayed middle ground not to make enimies on either side. But i will say it again some free oil would be nice.

blackbenzz 01-26-2006 12:31 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Like you mentioned in one of your previous posts, I have meets all the time. Come out to one of em and we'll see how big and bad you really are (wonder why you wont post a pic online?). Im 6 feet tall and 180 lbs, nothing to brag about right? so bring it! Bring a video camera to prove it too, I'll have mine and I'll be sure to post the video for everyone to see your old fat ass get wooped. I've done this before and your type always seems to back down! I know you've been bullied your whole life and i feel sorry for you, but dont come online to a car enthusiasts website and talk sh*t. I am a man of my word, and if you come anywhere within 30 minutes of DC I'll gladly meet you up and we can discuss this further, otherwise SHUT THE F*CK UP! You're a clown that didnt amount to anything in life so you come on forums and act like you are somebody.

Lugnut 01-26-2006 12:31 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Well, I'm the one that said government. Where did you learn to read? You're one of the easily confused, I take it? The Iraqi government was overthrown in less than a week. How many people you know doesn't change that.

Is that your argument? You know people? And, I doubt you know three people, let alone "hundreds." You lose credibility saying outlandish crap like that. How can anyone believe anything you say when you claim to know hundreds of people from Iraq and Iran well enough to know everything there is to know about Iraq and Iran? And, whoever these hundreds of people you claim to know who spent time in the Middle East are probably all from a single level. You're looking through a set of pretend horse blinders.

The people we're fighting now ARE NOT Iraqi government. They're not even Iraqis. They're foreigners. I thought you stayed up with the news? That's why punks like you who jump into these debates just prove your ignorance because you pretend to know what's going on, but actually you have no idea.

You're idealistic, which I admire, but you're ignorant of the facts... at least in this case.

Lugnut 01-26-2006 12:33 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
You want to go over there and steal their oil. Not even I want to do that.

Lugnut 01-26-2006 12:36 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
You gonna wear a suicide belt?

BlackWolf 01-26-2006 12:40 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Look I don't care if the govenrment was overthrown in a week day month and hour who gives a damn. First of all you don't know who I be knowing. Second of all this is getting childish and I have no time for it. Think what ya wanna think and I have my opinions. Yeah and who are you to be throwing stones .I've seen you post many outlandish exaggerations on this forum many times so shut the hell up. If that's how your narrow minded cenile brain processes infomation fine. But shut the **** up with these absurd side tracks and stick to the facts. If you would shut the **** up for a moment and listen you might learn something. I know they are not Iraqis, I know the government was overthrown quickly and I know that the damned war ain't over yet. I DOESN'T MATTER WHO FROM WHERE OR WHAT OR WHETHER THEY ARE PURPLE OR BLACK BROWN OR POLKA DOT. We are still in Iraq fighting a war. Point Blank.

BlackWolf 01-26-2006 12:42 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
And Iran might just be next. Never know until it happens

Lugnut 01-26-2006 12:53 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Speaking of facts, let's any you have.

The people we're fighting now in Iraq are not the ones we fought at the start. You didn't say that until I called you on it, dope.

This started by someone saying the Iranian government with or without the Shah and with one of the "world's strongest armies" could hold out for ten years against the US because they did it against US-backed Iraq.

So, who's going off on tangents? I have to keep reeling you retards back in to the stream.

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