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blackbenzz 01-25-2006 03:45 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Based on your use of the english language (and prejudice) and the way you think the US is so far superior to the rest of the world, I will not entertain your comments. For your future reference Iranians are not Arab.

mbz300sdl 01-25-2006 04:00 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
I just want some free oil i dont care from who just as long as its not Alaska![sm=patriot.gif]

Lugnut 01-25-2006 05:31 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
So, you're Iranian? Figures. You're [sm=icon_quiet.gif]. It's not your fault, though. You were born and raised that way.

Lugnut 01-25-2006 05:33 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
mbz300sdl - What are you, some kind of greenie weenie?

blackbenzz 01-25-2006 07:17 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.


So, you're Iranian? Figures. You're stupid. It's not your fault, though. You were born and raised that way.
I was actually born and raised in the US. And I got my masters degree on the Deans list from Georgetown University in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology w/ specialization in Biotechnology, so if I'm stupid then what does that make you? Im sorry but I have a life and cant spend all day on a internet forum tryin to be an online gangster like you (look how many times you post, you obviously have nothing better to do). I've met your type many times before and it seems that they talk alot online and are quiet as a mouse when I see them at a meet. I guess you saw my location and felt that Im too far away for you to ever run into me. This is probably true but I guarantee if you ever insulted me in person you'd get annihilated! Wait..... arent you the same guy that said modding isnt good cuz it shortens your engine life? GET A LIFE!

mbz300sdl 01-25-2006 07:30 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
No and i thought that someone might say that. But i would have thought seeing what kinda cars I drive that people would not have said that. My thoughts are y should we take it from somewhere we own if we can get if from another country instead then once we piss everyone in the world off we will still have oil here!

Lugnut 01-25-2006 08:28 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
I know a lot of stupid people with advanced degrees. Now I know another. You idiots always start out by telling me you won't respond to me, then you respond to me. What is it with you botards? Talk about stupid.

I lived in the DC metro area and worked in and around DC for just over 20 years. I have a lot of friends up there and visit regularly. Maybe we can meet up sometime and you can try to "annihilate" me.

You're just like all the other dark-skinned Middle Easterners (Arabs, Persians, whatever). You have a big brave mouth, but when the fighting starts, you run and hide or surrender, then you start the suicide murders of women and children. When you run from me, what will you do?

... aren't you the same guy that said modding isnt good cuz it shortens your engine life?
I don't remember if I did, but it depends on what you do. You trade reliability for performance. You should understand that considering all the schooling you've had. See? I'm right. You're [sm=icon_quiet.gif].

Aren't you the guy who kept saying that ECU programming is the answer to everything? Yep, you are. And you're pissed because I shut your stupid ass down then.

Do you have time to respond, or is your "life" getting in the way?

Lugnut 01-25-2006 08:33 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Okay, that's cool. I thought you were worried about ANWR and the non-existent animals where the drilling would take place--one of the most barren places on Earth.

Lugnut 01-25-2006 08:43 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Pic of blackbenz

You, the pencil-necked dip****-looking [sm=icon_quiet.gif] in this pic is going to annihilate me? Geez, I'm shaking in my boots.

mbz300sdl 01-25-2006 08:53 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Hey i live in Maryland so when you to meet up to "destory" each other make sure u both bring ur cars so i can give them a good home and i'll also take movies to post on the Forum.

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