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Old 10-27-2005, 05:21 PM
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Default Next Vice Pres

Al Franken says Cheney and Rove will soon be "executed." How could you not believe Al Franken?

So, when Cheney's gone, who will Bush pick as his replacement? Will it be Condi Rice or Harriet Meirs?
Old 10-27-2005, 07:27 PM
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Default RE: Next Vice Pres

Well, if Cheney makes the decision to resign, he will most likely be replaced with a republican presidential canidate for the 2008 election. This is a way the republican party can get their canidate experienced and name recognition. It is more than possible Condi Rice might take the position, if Cheney does resign.
Old 10-27-2005, 08:21 PM
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Default RE: Next Vice Pres

Even when you replace some figures, you are still playing the same game.
What's in it for you?
Old 10-27-2005, 08:41 PM
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Default RE: Next Vice Pres

[quote]ORIGINAL: Kajtek1

Even when you replace some figures, you are still playing the same game.
What's in it for you?

Perhaps it might be the same game, however, incumbents almost always win in elections and having a 2008 presidential canidate as VP would definately be a huge advantage for the republican party.
Old 10-27-2005, 11:18 PM
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Default RE: Next Vice Pres

Kajtek1 is a dip****. He rarely makes sense, but he always tries. Cheney won't be replaced to "change the game." If he leaves it will be because he was forced to resigned. Bush will continue to play his game, regardless.

I don't know if incumbents almost always win presidential elections. Talk to AlBore or Nelson Rockefeller about rising from the Vice Presidency to the Presidency. Or, to daddy Bush, Jimmy Carter, or Gerald Ford about an incumbent winning an election.

Condi Rice is as well known as she's going to get. She's got little to gain politically by becoming VP. She's already been tagged as a frontrunner for the '08 Republican nomination. She can do more meaningful work and be in the news as Sec'y of State.

Anyway, the poop is gong to hit the fan for the Bush administration tomorrow (Friday, Oct 28). There are probably going to be some indictments issued to some key players. They won't indict Cheney while he's a sitting VP, but they can start the resignation wheels turning. Meanwhile, Bush will try to counter with something to overshadow the whole affair. Something BIG.

What will it be? I thought he would have saved the Harriet Miers announcement for that purpose. He'll probably announce his new Supreme Court nominee, but I don't think that's big enough. I guess it depends on who it may be.
Old 10-27-2005, 11:24 PM
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Kajtek1 is a dip****. He rarely makes sense, but he always tries.

Well. Thanks for the compliment Lugnut.
At least I am trying.
Old people always get big kick from personal games in politics.
Smart people would try to figure how to make the system that would work for citizens.
US democracy is over 200 years old. Whole World made huge progress since than.
Why aren't we trying?
Old 10-28-2005, 12:13 AM
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You're welcome. Yep, you do try.

BTW, America was founded as a republic, not a democracy. America isn't socialist, either. You need to do some reading.

Things are working pretty damn good, I would say. What we're doing on this forum can't be done in many countries. We have more freedoms than any country. We have schools as good as the best anywhere. We have the best hospitals. We have the highest per capita income. Our taxes are relatively low for a developed country. Even if we commit serious crimes, we continue to have all our body parts, unless we commit the crime in Texas. Dip****s like you can immigrate here and continue to live like dip****s if you want. We've done this in 200 years. Most other countries are centuries behind us and they've been trying to make progress in some cases for millennia. Which countries are you referring to that have made such huge progress in the last 200 years that they put the US to shame?

Sure, things could be better. They can always be better. That's why this country is always evolving. We don't have dictators-for-life that cause stagnation and pilfer the country's and citizens' money and resources for themselves. If you don't understand what goes on here politically and socially, you should go do some studying before you open your mouth and pretend like you know anything about it.

Now, go play.
Old 10-28-2005, 12:31 AM
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The United States is No Longer the Champion of Economic Freedom
10-th in 2004 and dropping awfully fast.
Shall I thank people like Lugnut for that?
Old 10-28-2005, 12:53 AM
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Default RE: Next Vice Pres

You're so easily manipulated, confused and misled. More so than I thought.

You're reading a conservative political Web site that used statistics to form an opinion and used it to beat the Bush administration's drums that would allow big business to become bigger, while leaving the little guys (the citizens) behind. I thought you said "Smart people would try to figure how to make the system that would work for citizens." Oh, wait. You did say that. I suppose that means these people are not smart. They are dumb. So, why are you quoting dumb people to support your position? Is your position dumb?

You won't get far using one-sided arguments.
Old 10-28-2005, 01:05 AM
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You're so easily manipulated, confused and misled. More so than I thought.

You're reading a conservative political Web site that used statistics to form an opinion and used it to beat the Bush administration's drums that would allow big business to become bigger, while leaving the little guys (the citizens) behind. I thought you said "Smart people would try to figure how to make the system that would work for citizens." Oh, wait. You did say that. I suppose that means these people are not smart. They are dumb. So, why are you quoting dumb people to support your position? Is your position dumb?

You won't get far using one-sided arguments.

Old story. Lot of blabling, zero facts.

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