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Bad news

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Old 07-11-2006, 10:42 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
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Default RE: Bad news

I don't visit here often. I know the administrators from other sites. I just post news and such, but he seemed like a really cool and funny guy. My condolences. I'm sure a guy like him will be missed alot...

Old 07-15-2006, 10:27 PM
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Default RE: Bad news

Thank you all for your condolences and kind words. I am glad I was able to find this forum while I was going through his PC so I could let you all know. I thought I should give some more insight on how it was for us. I hope this can bring some understanding of what can happen, and also how to prevent some of the unforeseen problems.

As if the news of his death wasn't enough of a shock for us; and all of you, there was still the estate we had to go through. You never really think about this stuff until it actually happens. We had to fly 2000 miles away from home to get there, and then we had to find a way to break into the house so we would have a place to stay. Because we were unfamiliar with the area we had no idea where else we could go. Once we were able to get in we started to look around to see what needed to be done. Now, I know my uncle and aunt always had nice things and made a decent living, but this was ridiculous! It wasn't like there were a few nice things over here to keep, all this stuff to sell off, and throw the rest of this stuff away; but more like "Oh my God, where do we start because everything here is valuable and nothing can be thrown away." We were absolutely overwhelmed. All we could do for three days straight was catalog possessions and go through paperwork. We were hoping we would find his will while we sorted through the documents so we would know what to do, but he didn't have one. We were thinking the state would step in and try to take everything, not only that but one thing to keep in mind is that just because a persons life has stopped, doesn't mean that the lives of the utility, credit card, and mortgage companies do! Also, with as much that is done online nowadays; how can you possibly find out someone's login, let alone password to access accounts to see how much is owed and/or when payment is due. WOW! It really freaked us out 'cause it hits like a ton of bricks.

Now, one thing about Allen that we never really knew until now is how meticulous and organized he kept his records and files. I have no idea where it came from because nobody on that side of my family is like that at all, and I would also have to say the same about 90% of the rest of the populace. It was crazy, every company had their own file and each bill had date of payment, amount, check#, and had notes for PAID, or credit amount, or talked to so-and-so on this date about this and here is what they are going to do, and then follow-up notes. This stuff went back for three years. He also kept the boxes for anything he purchased, along with the packing material, owners manuals, and copies of his receipt, all in the box. He had a list of logons and passwords in his computer desk. All of the keys for everything were in one location and they were all tagged with what they were for. Once we started to discover things like this a little at a time it made us feel better and stopped stressing us out so much. I can only imagine what it would have been like if these things weren't organized so well. We were not so lucky with the basement and garage however, but we got that taken care of.

Sorry to be so long winded but I am hoping that by telling you this, you may be able to either save yourself or your loved ones headaches and stress. First, write a will! We are going to have to make like 4-6 months of house payments before we can sell the house because of the time it is going to take to go through probate court. Second, keep all your statements and records in a central file that is organized. You don't need to be as **** as Allen was, just seeing where you have accounts, insurance, retirement, etc., is very helpful. Third, keep a list of all of your online banking websites, account #'s, and login/passwords. This is probably the easiest one to do and for us it was the most helpful. While we were out in Atlanta waiting to get a friend from the airport my wife and I went to Barnes and Noble and she bought a book called "If Something Happens to Me". This was a pretty cool book; it gets all of your personal information organized inside of it. You can write down bank accounts, property, vehicles, retirement, insurance, safe-deposit box, all kinds of stuff that will help. I would recommend keeping most of the personal stuff locked up in a safe if you can because of identity theft, but make sure someone you trust knows how to get in just in case.

Okay, enough of that!

I didn't know he had a telescope like that! Too bad he didn't have it still, you say he traded it for a car? Oh, and I do like vegetables!!!
Old 07-15-2006, 11:29 PM
Join Date: Jun 2005
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Default RE: Bad news

It's funny how cyber-space works. We post as mostly anonymous souls , free to be ourselves, or not, but always aware cyberspace relationships are easily ended by simply not responding. I think, at least for me, this fools me into thinking emotions can take a vacation in cyber space. The passing of Lugnut (Allen) reveals to me this is not the case. Lugnut’s personality came through his posts and made a real impression on me. I liked Lugnut and came to this Forum looking forward to reading his posts. He said things I never had the ***** to say-but felt. He had a great dry sense of humor. Also, whether right or wrong, it was clear he understood mechanical concepts quite well.
Cyber space, you fooled me. I am deeply saddened by Lugnut’s passing and that wasn’t supposed to happen.
[sm=grinangel.gif]R.I.P. Lugnut
Old 07-17-2006, 02:32 AM
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Default RE: Bad news

wow i just read this... unfortunately death is a part of life. I, like the rest of the people on this forum worldwide revered Lugnut as a wealth of information, experience, and expertise. It is sad to learn of anyone's passing. From my family to yours, we will miss him and the benefits he so apparently wanted us (ALL) to know from his experiences. I believe someone said this before:
it is a wonderful endeavour to strive to help one's fellow human being..
Thanks you time we will all join you. Sincerely and with all true respect, George
Old 07-17-2006, 03:01 PM
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Default RE: Bad news

Travis, are you 100% sure he didn't have a will? I mean, he knew he had cancer. And by what you just wrote, he was extrordinarily doesn't make sense to me as to why he WOULDN'T have a will. I'd research it a bit more.
Old 07-17-2006, 04:37 PM
Join Date: Mar 2006
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Default RE: Bad news

I am truly saddened by your loss Travis. Lugnut was certainly fun to chat with on the few occasions that we chatted. As most have posted, he will be sorely missed. My sincerest condolences to the family (I will add them to my prayers).


On a side note: Sleepwalker, I have a small telescope that should be able to see mars with. If you are interested, send me an e-mail at and I can tell you some more about it.
Old 07-17-2006, 07:35 PM
Join Date: May 2006
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Default RE: Bad news

I've read many of Allens posts. He was great source of information and always very eager to help. He will be greatly missed.
Old 07-17-2006, 11:39 PM
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Yeah, we are absolutely positive he did not have a will. We tore the house apart looking for it. We spread all the papers across the dining room table and then the entire floor and had 6 of us going through every document. We did this for 3-4 days and some files were gone through 6 times or more because of their size. I also did a lot of digging on the PC. We also checked weird places like drawers and under the bed, notebooks, post-it's, etc. He even had a big safe in the garage and I thought, "Jackpot!!!......Wait, now how do I open it?!?!". I found some numbers written down on the closing papers from the house in MD and thought what the hell, it's worth a try. Sure enough it opened, but was empty. If he wrote a legal will through a lawyer it would have been filed with the county but they said there isn't one. The only thing we found was a list that his wife made before she passed away. Those items were given to her family. To be honest it looks like he kind of fell apart and went into a deep depression when Cindee died. She assumed he would follow through with his stuff and get it taken care of but he did not. I think he was just starting to get past Cindee's death but when she died a part of him definitely died with her. The last time we talked to him he said his cancer was in remission and he was doing fine. I suppose it is because he didn't want us to worry. His cancer was getting worse but from what I have heard it was slow. It was the poor diet and moderate drinking that made it sudden.

Oh, I read some older posts and saw he mentioned his dog Merlin. He is fine. One of the neighbors actually rescues animals and the paramedics let her take him because nobody else lived with Allen. She knows Merlin quite well; he would always come over and play with her dogs. He will have a happy home with her family. She is probably the nicest, most-kind woman I have ever met. Southern hospitality is so unlike the interaction between people we are used to seeing in Utah. Georgia would be a wonderful place to live......except for the humidity of course!
Old 07-18-2006, 03:27 AM
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he really love Cindee so much and he never let her down till the end. both of them fight through it. never that he mentioned to have dated others or being interested into it.
i think they have made a pact that none ever knew.

among in his memory of his wife was:
I remember once we were driving from MD to GA. She fell asleep right away as I drove on. As soon as she awoke and opened her eyes, she said, "You missed the turn. You need to turn around." Now, how does someone do that? I can understand something like the turn is coming up shortly, don't miss it, but she recognized the unfamiliar rather than the familiar. Amazing. She was really sharp and aware all the time, even when she was half asleep.

merlin was his only close friend. both of them share the same activities on outing.

as far as lugnut is concerned, his health is in good condition and never thought about such thing as heart attack. there was one time when he was not able to go online for two days, and i ask him why. he said he fall down. until now, i don't know what he means by that.
Old 07-18-2006, 10:41 AM
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Default RE: Bad news

Sorry to hear about his death, Travis. His memories will continue with those that dealt with him in the past.

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