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BlackWolf 01-27-2006 05:56 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
I keep reating myself because you don't seem to understand, Stop talking to me dumb ass. I don't care what you think or say. Stop talking to me. Or I will send another message to the Admin.

Lugnut 01-27-2006 06:02 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Geez. You sound like a little kid. Maybe you are. "Stop talking to me. Mommy, he's talking to me. Mommy, make him stop. Boo hoo."

BlackWolf 01-27-2006 06:03 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
You're a thousand miles away and that's probably why you're saying the things you do. If you want to talk to me, do it in person. Until then shut up talking to me as I said over and over and over. But for now, I will go the Admin because I can't reach you right now.

Remember this?


Pic of blackbenz

You, the pencil-necked dip****-looking [sm=icon_quiet.gif] in this pic is going to annihilate me? Geez, I'm shaking in my boots.

I don't know what Blackbenz or whoever will do or what but I'm not him. You get froggy like that if you want to, (your choice) and I will show up if you want to take it there. And that's a promise. So don't take it there. That should be cut and dry. Shut up talking to me. I don't want to hear it. I said it many times. Stop talking to me.

BlackWolf 01-27-2006 06:05 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
oh yeah, I already went to the Admin, silly me with my short term memory virus. I will do it again if you don't shut up talking to me. Call it what you want but I could care less. But remember what I said in the previous message. I f you think this is crying then say that you want to see me in person, live, and I will make it happen, old man.

BlackWolf 01-27-2006 06:08 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Call it what you want but like i said, if you're so big and bad like you keep trying to be, just let me know that you want to see me in person. Until then your childish words really don't mean too much. But before it get ugly in here, I'm just making sure the Admin knows what is going on.

Lugnut 01-27-2006 07:02 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
I might have to stop talking to you if you keep hurting my feelings like that. Goll. You're such a tough guy.

Lugnut 01-27-2006 07:08 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Here we go. This is all Bush needs to invade Iran.

mbz300sdl 01-27-2006 07:19 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
Your right with 57% he will do it if he thinks it will get his ratings up.

BlackWolf 01-27-2006 07:38 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
I'm not worried about your feelings nor am I trying to hurt em but you obviously don't care about anybody's feeling with all the hate and fear you have. Like I said, I ain't trying to sound tough or what ever you call if because someone pulls your bitch card, but your little opinons about me don't matter but I don't want you talking to meabout; nothing, not a thing, not a word, not a greeting, not some racist comment, not some kiddy comment, not some stupid comment or any other comments I haven't mention. I don't know why you continue to pester me with your antics. Go bother someone else because I don't buy your racism. Don't you have a KKK meeting to attend or something?

Lugnut 01-27-2006 07:47 PM

RE: Uh-oh. Iran.
If you're not worried about my feelings, why should I worry about yours?

How many times are you going to say the same thing? I heard you the first nineteen times. I could maybe understand the broken-record mode you're in if I was still saying the stuff you keep repeating, but I haven't said it for many posts. Are you sure you took that crayon out? Do you have something else stuck up there, like your head?

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