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beetle 05-08-2008 07:33 PM

Code problem p0410
Please help how to fix this? What do I need to do? tX

snanceki 05-09-2008 12:41 AM

RE: Code problem p0410
P0140 = Secondary Air Injection System.

This means that the pump (usually electric) that pumps air into the engine exhaust manifold under certain startup conditions isn't functioning.
Likely cause is that the pump supply has failed. Fuse, wiring etc. Alternatively the pump may be dead. seized / worn out.

I would start by looking for the supply fuse (usually in black box at rear of engine compartment) and ensuring this is OK.
If OK I would then check that power is getting to the pump connector during startup. I would also check that this pump runs OK on an independent supply.


bazzle 05-09-2008 11:42 AM

RE: Code problem p0410
What year, model, etc slk do you have ?
Your expecting help when you dont supply information to aid??

On an 230 check the vac hoses to the changeover sw behind top front engine cover.

brookings 05-12-2008 12:00 AM

RE: Code problem p0410
I had a problem with my "check engine" light being on and the code came up secondary air injection and it turn out to be a 002 140 68 60 valve being rusted up on the inside. This was after first replacing a questionable oxygen sensor first. There were no problems with performance, just the light on. After replacing the valve, no more"check engine"after year now.

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